Let's make our community a better place!
Records indicate that a quarterly meeting was held in 1842 at Lindley's Camp Ground about a mile west of the present church. Around the mid-1840's the Circuit Riders (who were men of vision) began thinking of erecting a church building.
Construction began in 1850 on four acres of land donated by Anderson T Glenn. A second church building was erected in 1888. This construction was under the direction of the trustees and building committee.
In 1905 an annex with two classrooms was added to the 1888 structure and sometime before 1920 a similar annex was built. In 1906 an additional 0.49 acres of land was donated to provide an area shaded by tress where horses could be hitched
In 1950 construction was completed, adding an educational building, composed of classrooms, library, dining room, kitchen rest rooms. Center's use of the renovated auditorium & new addition was short lived. Sadly, in September 1955, there was a fire at the church which destroyed the building. The church was only had partial insurance coverage, but thanks to community efforts, including auctions & commemorative quilts, collections from neighboring churches and generous donations including building materials and labor, the new church was built.
The Methodist Church sign (picture to the left) was found during some "house cleaning". It is believed that the sign was made some time prior to 1963, when in use, it was placed on Switchboard Road, and was the original directional sign for the church.
Let us welcome our new preacher Rev. Steve Taylor, together with his wife Sherry as they join our community and church family. Rev. Taylor has graciously agreed to lead our church in service. We look forward to a long and harmonious future.
Thank you to everyone for their help with the Church semi-annual breakfast. We really appreciate everyone's efforts! Also, a big thank you to the community for the fantastic turnout! We really appreciate everyone's support. The proceeds from the breakfast will be donated to Western North Carolina relief efforts.
Feb 5: 7:00pm - Admin Council Meeting
Feb 17: 7:00pm - Center Methodist Women's Meeting
Mar 9: 11:30am - Pre-Spring Social
Mar 22: 6:30am - Church Semi-annual breakfast
Mar 26: 7:00pm - Admin Council Meeting
Feb 8: 5:00pm – Fish Fry
Those who are sick & hurting:
Tony Isley, Janet & Jessica Hill, Donald Braxton, Jimmy Honeycutt, Mark Metcalf, Sue
Walsh, Rubin Herndon, Alicia Atkins, Larry Curl, Allison Frisk, Josh Laramie, Howard Barrett, Winder Zachary, Howard Barrett, Shirley McCracken, Reggie Trussell, Nick Mazejka & Sherry Taylor
Our Shut-Ins: Jean Thomas & Jeanette Lindley